Sunday, June 27, 2010

You Are Worth It

"Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it."
--The World's Last Night

CS Lewis quotes -

Speaking as one who knows the darkness of depression, and who has trudged through life feeling utter worthless, it is no small comfort to know that the Greatest of All, descended below All, that he might know how to succor me in my infirmity.
The principles of Christianity make decent men better, and make bad men turn in shame. Because all men are free to choose liberty and eternal life, or captivity and eternal darkness, gives meaning to Christ's sacrifice. The freedom to determine our own fate is of eternal import.
This land of America was not founded so all men could be materially rich. The riches of the world are God's to give as he pleases. This land was established under the Divine Hand of Providence to enable all men, everywhere, to believe in self-determination. We are not bound to a king. We serve no author of salvation, except by choice. At the end of the day, America means that I am responsible for me. None determines who I am or how far I can reach, without my express consent.
The great American Experiment, as our forefathers named it, was set in motion for a moral people. The howling storm around us would fain convince that none of those who breathe are worth the air or earth they partake.  Life is not a sin. Humans, by nature, are sinners, only because there is an eternal Law. America stands because great men and women rose up to the call of Liberty and sounded that clarion to family, neighbors and community. They stood together in righteousness, despite different creeds or faiths. By doing so, they drove back the storm of tyranny and changed the world.
Once again, tyranny rears its dark head. Voices in the wind would convince each one that only through their product can we be beautiful, or popular, or wealthy, or worth it. The roaring tempest of information whirls around us, removing from us our stable point of reference. Only the still, small voice can penetrate the storm,
America is worth it. Each day, stand proud. America has been the example of Liberty and self-determination throughout the world. Right now, she is slipping from her foundations. If we lie down in sorrow, the house that our forefathers built will come crashing down around us. The hope of this nation is its people.
The supreme sacrifice has been made for you, and for me. You are worth it. I am worth it. And America is worth it.
How can you be a patriot today?

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