Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Candle Per Person

The scriptures reference candles in many places, most notably in the New Testament, in the Sermon on the Mount. An Old Testament reference says this,
“The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly” (Prov. 20: 27)
The spirit of man is knowledge, personality, wisdom, experience, imagination, spiritual nature; in short our spirit is what we are when we close our eyes and think. When the lights go out, what are you left with? You can’t really see. If it’s quiet, you’ve got nothing to listen to. When you’re not moving, there is little to physically touch. So you’re left with who you are inside. That is the spirit of man. That is the candle of the Lord.
Now, back to scriptural candle references. Keep in mind the things we just discussed.
“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” (Matt. 5: 15)
When a man gains knowledge that brings him light, or enlightens him, does he hide it and hoard it for himself? No, he puts it on a candlestick, or he places it into its proper place, and he shares it with those close to him - “all that are in the house.
Knowledge shared with others enlightens everyone. Knowledge of truth does not do any good inside one head. Knowledge shared is knowledge gained. It is only by sharing and teaching that we really gain the knowledge for ourselves.
One last question, can a man hoard fire? Can he keep light to himself? The answer is no. Note that in the scripture above, if a man puts his candle under a bushel, it is out of sight for him also. So it does not benefit him unless he shares it with those closest to him.
We are given this one body, this one mind, to improve upon as we go through life. This candle we are given can hold one flame.
One flame alone does not light an entire house. While a single candle can be seen on a dark night from miles away, it does not drive away the darkness. So how can we drive out the darkness from our homes and from our lives?
By sharing our light with others. One single candle cannot light the world, but one candle can light another, which can light others, and so on. The process does not have to be linear. One candle, or one person, can enlighten many people. From there, the ripple effect goes out and changes the world.
Just as darkness is driven away when a light appears, so doubt and unbelief flee in the light of truth. Even with just one candle per person, we can light the entire world. All it takes is sharing your light with others.

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